
Our Guarantee

Here at, we take great pride in producing the highest quality, affordable handbags for all of our customers. This is why we want to make sure that you have the best experience possible when shopping with us. We strive to provide thorough descriptions and photos of all of our fashion and celebrity style handbags in order to make you feel comfortable about purchasing a handbag online. As fashion lovers ourselves, we recognize the fact that a trendy handbag plays a crucial part in your life and we want to make it easy to find the bags you want online with as little hassle as possible.

We adhere to superior quality standards and we want you to know that we do listen to our customers! If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for BagInc, don't hesitate to let us know via the Contact Us page.

Additionally, as mentioned in our guarantee page, if you are unsatisfied with your purchase, feel free to remove it to get your money back or to receive store credit.

We are determined to answer every customer's email within 24 hours of contact, Monday-Friday (excluding holidays). Please contact us for anything you need. We love getting to know our customers and making a great experience for them, so they will not only return, but will also tell all their friends about us!

Baginc Team